- Show: 2021 mini show
- Name: PHS Top Tray
- Criteria: Best in Top Tray category
- Judges for 2021 mini show:
The Judge's choice from this category
- The Petersham Top Tray class is for a collection of three types of vegetables taken from the following list of fifteen. The quantity of each vegetable required for the collection is given in brackets: carrots (3), cauliflowers (2), onions (3), parsnips (3), peas (6 pods), potatoes (3), runner beans (6 pods), tomatoes (6), French Beans (6 pods), sweetcorn (2), pepper (3), cucumber (2), courgettes (3), red beet (3), aubergines (2). Each type of vegetable will be judged out of a total of 20 points. This is split into three sections as follows: 7 points for size, shape and colour; 7 points for condition; 6 points for uniformity. The overall mark will be out of a total of 60.
- All vegetables are to be displayed for effect. The vegetables must be displayed within an area measuring 45cm by 60cm (18x24in), without bending any part of them. No part of any exhibit may exceed the size of the tray. A tray or board measuring 45cm by 60cm (18x24in) can be used to display the vegetables, or the area can simply be marked on the staging. Where a tray has a lip or edge, it is the internal measurements that must not exceed 45cm by 60cm (18x24in).
- A black cloth is permitted, and the tray may be painted but not be cut in any way at all. Parsley is allowed for garnishing, but no other foliage or accessories, such as plates, sand, rings and so on, will be allowed. Onion tops may be tied or whipped using raffia or string. Carrots and parsnips must have foliage trimmed back to 7.5cm (3in). Peas and beans must be displayed with some stalk attached. Tomatoes must be displayed with calyces (the green flower bud case).