Philip Carr Challenge Cup 2022

Image of Philip Carr Challenge Cup
  • Show: 2022
  • Name: Philip Carr Challenge Cup
  • Criteria: The winner of greatest number of points in Cookery section 6
  • Prize: A silver cup and PHS certificate
For the most points in these categories

58. A battenburg cake

59. A fruit tart

60. Two fruit scones

61. Three shrewsbury biscuits

62. An individual goat’s cheese tart

63. A lemon drizzle cake

64. A small handmade loaf Handmade, not with a bread machine, can be any type of bread

67. A bottle of any non-alcoholic drink

68. A bottle of any alcoholic drink

72. One jar of chutney or pickle

69. One jar of jam

70. One jar of marmalade

71. One jar of jelly

73 . One jar of lemon curd

65. Five pieces of fudge

66. Three chocolate-flavour american muffins