Harry Thorne Memorial Cup 2023

Image of Harry Thorne Memorial Cup
  • Show: 2023
  • Name: Harry Thorne Memorial Cup
  • Criteria: Most Meritorious exhibit of vegetables in the show categories 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 43, 44, 45, 50, 46, 49, 42, 51, 52, 89, 90
  • Prize: A silver cup and PHS certificate
  • Judges for 2023: Gordon Cooper
The Judge's choice from these categories

31. Dish of five potatoes, white of any shape

32. Dish of five potatoes, other than white, of any shape

33. Six pods of peas with stalks

34. Six pods of broad beans with stalks

35. Six pods of dwarf beans with stalks

36. Three onions with full green tops As grown, no weight limit

37. Three beetroots, globe variety

38. Three carrots, long pointed

39. Two cabbages

40. Nine shallots pickling Must be able to go through a 30mm ring

41. Nine shallots, exhibition no size limit

42. Garlic, three bulbs, no tops

43. Three courgettes Any length/ diameter

44. Two lettuces other than Cos

45. Two cos lettuces

46. A collection of herbs, three kinds in one container

49. One dish of vegetables of a distinct kind not specified in this section

50. Three sticks of rhubarb (see “Hints to Exhibitors”)

51. A collection of salading or salad vegetables, any 3 distinct kinds Mustard and cress count as one kind

52. A collection of mixed vegetables, one each of six different kinds.

89. The ugliest vegetable

90. A vegetable grown by you