Philip Carr Challenge Cup 2023

Image of Philip Carr Challenge Cup
  • Show: 2023
  • Name: Philip Carr Challenge Cup
  • Criteria: The winner of greatest number of points in Cookery section 6
  • Prize: A silver cup and PHS certificate
For the most points in these categories

58. A celebration cake decoration only to be judged

59. An apple pie pastry top and bottom

60. Two cheese scones

61. Three “Jammy Dodger” biscuits

62. A Coronation Quiche

63. A chocolate cake

64. A small, seeded hand-made loaf Handmade, not with a bread machine, can be any type

65. Millionaire’s Shortbread

66. Three chocolate-dipped shortbread biscuits, any shape Men-only

67. A bottle of any non-alcoholic drink state when made

68. A bottle of any alcoholic drink State when made

69. One jar of jam

70. One jar of marmalade

71. One jar of jelly

72. One jar of chutney or pickle

73 . One jar of orange curd