Pamela Griffiths Memorial Cup 2023

Image of Pamela Griffiths Memorial Cup
  • Show: 2023
  • Name: Pamela Griffiths Memorial Cup
  • Criteria: Greatest number of points in Junior Floral categories 87a, 87b, 88a, 88b, 88c, 89, 90, 92a, 92b, 92c
  • Prize: A silver cup and PHS certificate
For the most points in these categories

87a. A miniature allotment garden - Children 6 years and under no bigger than 20 x 30 cm, containing natural materials

87b. A miniature allotment garden - Children 7-10 years no bigger than 20 x 30 cm, containing natural materials

88a. An arrangement of flowers & foliage in a mug - Children 6 years and under

88b. An arrangement of flowers & foliage in a mug - Children 7-10 years

88c. An arrangement of flowers & foliage in a mug - Children 11-16 years

89. The ugliest vegetable

90. A vegetable grown by you

92a. Three types of herbs in a recycled container - Children 6 years and under No more than 15 cm in diameter

92b. Three types of herbs in a recycled container - Children 7-10 years No more than 15 cm in diameter

92c. Three types of herbs in a recycled container - Children 11-16 years No more than 15 cm in diameter